Vacuum Homogenizer Mixer for Cosmetic Products

Vacuum Homogenizer Mixer for Cosmetic Products

One of the major problems in the production of expensive cosmetic and health products is the loss of some of the product during the end-of-process cleaning (CIP), which mainly occurs due to the product remaining in the space of the homogenizer pump, circulating pump, etc. In expensive cosmetic products, even a small portion of the product is discarded, which costs the manufacturer a lot of money.

Therefore, Arkan Felez Company, using the knowledge of Iranian engineers and using the designs of the Italian company OLSA, has manufactured a VX vacuum homogenizer mixer, which, with the homogenizer pump inside the tank and the rotating tank, does not leave any product in the machine at the end of the production process and product waste is zero.

Cosmetic industries: cosmetic powders, cosmetic pancakes, lipsticks, mascaras, hair glues, masks, hair dyes, varnishes, creams, color pigments, lotions

General product specifications

  • Vacuum homogenizer mixer device designed by OLSA Italy
  • Due to the absence of a circulating pipe and the rotation of the tank, it is possible to empty the product down to the last drop.
  • Suitable for the production of cosmetic powders, lipsticks, cosmetic pancakes, etc.
  • Has agitator mechanism and left-right rotating wall Counter rotation shaft
  • Has tanks in sizes of 50 – 100 – 150 – 200 – 250 – 300 – 500 liters and other sizes customized by the customer
  • Performs dispersion, homogenization and emulsion simultaneously
  • Ability to add liquid and powder materials during production inside the homogenizer mixer
  • Has a vacuum pump and vacuum sensor to maintain vacuum until the end of the production process
  • Has a temperature sensor and digital controller to automatically disconnect and connect the steam (or hot water) inlet valve to the jacket
  • Vertical opening door with hydraulic mechanism and homogenizer inside the tank
  • Rotating tank suitable for emptying to the last drop of expensive cosmetic products
  • Smart mechanism to stop the machine in case of air pressure drop
  • Mechanism to prevent the mixer from starting while the door is open
  • Scraper spatula mechanism with Vessel Alignment technology

Custom option

  • Possibility of adjusting the rotation speed of the homogenizer, agitator and scraper
  • Possibility of installing P.L.C, H.M.I
  • Possibility of building a tank with steam injection resistance up to 10 atmospheres
  • Possibility of installing automatic valves (air)
  • Possibility of providing heating by installing an electric element inside the mixer jacket